I refuse to let the very last picture on this blog be one of Dreyfus on his way to his death. That's too depressing.

So I decided to make one more post. For today's pictures, I went through the archives to find the picture that that most fully captured the "Essence of Dreyfus." There were many fine candidates, but I went with this one because it still makes me laugh every time I see it. For those of you who never got the backstory: The picture was taken on November 28th, 2005, only a few weeks after I adopted Dreyfus. I was working on "STAY!" for a solid 30 minutes, carefully using the advice from Dog Training for Dummies. After Dreyfus did it a few times, I called it a night and went over to the pool for a swim. I left the book on my ottoman, not realizing that Dreyfus was the kind of dog who enjoyed a good snack on paper products. When I got back from my swim, I walked in the door and saw the picture above. I wanted to be mad at him, but I didn't have the heart... the comedic value of the whole situation was just too much to handle. This picture also made me realize that my 2 megapixel camera (Nikon Coolpix 950) was inadequate for good pictures, so I was inspired to buy a better camera.

Anyway... This picture makes me feel the way I want to feel when I think about Dreyfus, so I think it is an appropriate last picture.

To address serveral comments/questions I've received since Saturday:

I can't think of anything else to say, Thanks again to everyone who was a part of Dreyfus' life, even if only via this blog.