June 30: Dad's crib (but just short of Boiling Spring, PA on the trail) (mile 1093.0)

i'm chilling at dad's crib for a day or two after
getting off trail just short of Boling Springs, PA.

stayed tuned for more updates. i'm going to try to
scan in a few pictures and update the site.

for those who have been asking: yes, i did skip a
section the shanendoah national park. yes, i did get
from harpers ferry to pine grove furnace quickly (but
by walking, not by canoeing :-)). no, i am no longer
going by "three sock". yes, i do wish i had the time,
energy, and access to a computer to have a more
detailed web site, but i don't... so Dad's entries will
have to do. deal with it. yes, i am finally going to
switch to my digital camera, so the web site will
eventually have many wonderful pictures. yes, i really
did lose 35 pounds, though i'm still sporting some
love handles. no, you don't get used to going five
days without a shower.

and finally: yes, i'm still having tons of fun!

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